Witchy Instagram Has a Huge Imposter Problem

Fake accounts and spam DMs abound

Amanda Kay Oaks
4 min readJan 24, 2023
Photo by Daisy Anderson

There’s something I’ve been meaning to write about for a while, but I just never sat down to put it into words. But I keep getting spam follows and scammy DMs on my personal Instagram to remind me, so here we are.

A while ago, someone I follow on Instagram posted a story complaining about a message she received from someone who “obviously doesn’t subscribe to the same beliefs I do.” She went on to describe the kind of sketchy, obviously fake DMs I get relatively often as well. Except she didn’t seem to realize it was a scam. She thought it was an actual witch, sliding into her DMs to aggressively offer spiritual guidance.

I’m not going to sit here and say no one is out there hustling their witchy wares in this way, because where people are involved, anything is possible. But the bigger problem is that Instagram has yet to crack down on scammers in the witchy community, who pose as popular accounts and try to take advantage of their fans. And it’s damaging the reputations of business owners and practitioners alike.

Imposter Accounts & Sketchy DMs

Many of the magic shops and online educators I follow are constantly battling fake accounts that clone their content, then follow the original…



Amanda Kay Oaks

Pittsburgh-based writer & wearer of many metaphorical hats. Making words about books, pop culture, witchery, health, travel, and more! She/her.